Birmingham has a lot of conferences in the city, as the second largest city in the UK there are many conference centres dotted around the city.

As a Conference Photographer Birmingham, my goal is to blend into the background and let the speakers and audience concentrate on what is happening in the moment.

Taking shots that also convey some message to the audience who maybe viewing parts of the conference later, attendees might look back and remember a certain moment based on the images they are seeing. These images are meant for the conference organisers as well, to use as promotional material, possibly for years to come. Having great pictures of your event or conference is key if you want to show to an audience or investors for the next year’s conference.

On the day I like to look around the conference hall or venue where the conference is being held to get a sense of where I will be working for the day or few days, this gives me an opportunity to work out where the areas I will be taking the photos from, what the best angles for shots are and where I can take shots to give a sense of scope and gravitas to the conference.

By taking these kinds of shots, you give viewers an idea of how the conference is setup and how many people are in attendance, who the speakers are and where they are speaking from and who too.

I try to use a more photojournalistic style when shooting conferences as I feel it gives more a of story as to what is happening in “real time”, across the length of the day. Now with the advent of social media, you can post images on the fly, as the conference is happening, this creates a lot of engagement that would not have been there in the past. People can live stream these conferences and use a chat to engage either with the organisers or with other viewers. By having a professional Conference Photographer Birmingham take pictures of your event, this is possible and provides your event with another dimension.

If you are searching for a Conference Photographer Birmingham with years of experience and many conferences under his belt, please do not hesitate to contact me and discuss your event in further detail.
